Duolabs PLUS Smartcard Programmer Dynam.

Duolabs PLUS Smartcard Programmer Dynam.
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Art.Nr.: 13832
Hersteller: Duolabs
Mehr Artikel von: Duolabs
Ihr Preis CHF 46.50*Anstatt CHF 71.50
inkl. 8.1 % MwSt.
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Duolabs Dynamte PLUS Kartenprogrammer

Der Neue Dyna Plus Programmer. Full Speed USB Device. Keine externe Stromversorgung nötig. Programmieren über seriellen und USB-Port USB 1.1/2.0 kompatibel. User freundliches Software Interface. Mehrsprachige Software zum Download. Programmer ist updatebar. Titanium Card - Knotcard 1/2, Knotcard SE Unterstützung mit Repairfunction. T-Rex Loader Card programmieren und reparieren. Virtuelle Com Port emulation. Programmiert alle gängigen Smartcards ...

Der Dynamite Programmer Programmiert:

PIC- basierte:
  • Wafercard (16C84, 16F84, 16F84A) 
  • Goldcard (16F84/16F84A + 24C16) 
  • Silvercard (16F876/16F877 + 24c64) 
  • Greencard (16F876/16F877 + 24C128) 
  • Greencard2 (16F876/16F877 + 24C256) 
  • Bluecard (16F84A + 24C64) 
  • CanaryCard (16F628 + 24C16) 
  • Emeraldcard (16F628 + 24C64) 
  • Singlepic (16F876, 16F627, 16F6 

  • Funcard/Funcard2 (AT90S8515 + 24C64) 
  • PrussianCard/Funcard3 (AT 90S8515 + 24C128) 
  • PrussianCard/Funcard4 (AT 90S8515 + 24C256) 
  • PrussianCard/Funcard5 (AT 90S8515 + 24C512) 
  • PrussianCard/Funcard6 (AT 90S8515 + 24C1024) 
  • PrussianCard/Funcard7 (AT 90S8515 + 2*24C1024) 
  • JupiterCard (AT90S2343 + 24C16) 
  • JupiterCard2 (AT90S8535 + 24C64) 
  • Für FunCard Atmega 161 (ATmega 161 + 24C64) 
  • Für FunCard Atmega 163 (ATmega 163 + 24C256) 
  • Für FunCard Atmega8515/Funkey2 (ATmega8515 + 24C256) 
  • BlackCard (ATmega128 + 24C256) 

OS Smartcards:
  • Titaniumcard 
  • Platinum Card 
  • M2 Card 
  • Knotcard 1/2 
  • Penta VR3 Card 
  • T-Rex Loader Card 
  • Opos Card 
  • Titan Card & Titancard 2





Smaller than a cigarette box the new DYNAMITE +Plus Smartcard Programmer is now ready!
The Dynamite +Plus is the "natural" evolution of the old Dynamite Programmer.
The new Dynamite +Plus is smaller than a packet of cigarettes and hold all the latest hardware technology and software research. The Dynamite +Plus works with the powerfull Cas Studio software which is continuosly updated with the latest Smartcards programming tools around.

Technical Information:

  • Full Speed USB Device at 48 Mhz internal Speed.
  • No Need for External Power Supply.
  • USB 1.1/2.0 compliant.
  • User friendly GUI.
  • Multilanguage software.
  • Fully flashable firmware for future software updates.

RS-232 COM Port Features.

  • Oscillator 3,579/3,68/6,00 Mhz and User programmable.
  • Phoenix/Smartmouse Emulation.
  • Unlooping Functions.

Supported Smartcards up to today directly via USB:

All OS cards around. the list will be too long and keep on being updated. Please refer to the latest version of Cas Studio to retrieve if your Smartcars is supported.


All PIC and ATMEL AVR based Microcontrollers smartcards(*)


  • Wafercard (16C84, 16F84, 16F84A)
  • Goldcard (16F84/16F84A + 24C16)
  • Silvercard (16F876/16F877 + 24C64)
  • Greencard (16F876/16F877 + 24C128)
  • Greencard2 (16F876/16F877 + 24C256)
  • Bluecard (16F84A + 24C64)
  • CanaryCard (16F628 + 24C16)
  • EmeraldCard (16F628 + 24C64)
  • Singlepic (16F876, 16F627, 16F628).




  • Funcard/Funcard2 (AT90S8515 + 24C64)
  • PrussianCard/Funcard3 (AT90S8515 + 24C128)
  • PrussianCard2/Funcard4 (AT90S8515 + 24C256)
  • PrussianCard3/Funcard5 (AT90S8515 + 24C512)
  • PrussianCard4/Funcard6 (AT90S8515 + 24C1024)
  • PrussianCard5/Funcard7 (AT90S8515 + 2*24C1024)
  • JupiterCard (AT90S2343 + 24C16)
  • JupiterCard2 (AT90S8535 + 24C64)
  • FunCard ATmega161 (ATmega161 + 24C64)
  • FunCard ATmega163 (ATmega163 + 24C256)
  • FunCard Atmega8515/Funkey2 (Atmega 8515 + 24C256)
  • BlackCard (ATmega128 + 24C256)


(*) We remind you that all trademarks are belonging to their owners and that ATMEL AVR and Microchip doesn't mean that these Smartcards are manufatured by them but by third parties.

Pre-Programmed Cards.

Dragon- , Trex and VU+ Card Loader.

Free Application for Dynamite +Plus

Cas Studio has FREE applications working with Dynamite +Plus like:

- GSM Sim Card Editor (Sim Editor). It allows you to fully view, modify and store Phonebook of your GMS SIM card. SMS, Contacts, SIM DATA Information can be easily viewed and where possible modified and then stored back to your SIM Card. This software is free to use and comes without any warranty by the developers.

WinCrypt. Itprotects your files using DES Algorithm key stored a Smartcard.

- Superlogger.It provides you with an advanced Smartcard logging system to log all the ISO traffic.

Card Explorer. It allows you to fully manipulate a smartcard using your customized scripts. Card Explorer follows the WinExplorer functionalities but supported via USB (WinExplorer does not do it!). Download the Card Explorer from the Download Area

All the description in how the above softwares are working are reported on the Cas Interface 3 user guide.



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